Main ერთ დღიანი ლინზები Precision 1 - 30 pieces (15 pairs) lenses

Precision 1 - 30 pieces (15 pairs) lenses

Precision 1

Packaging: 30 lenses

Manufacturer: Alcon

Shelf life: one day

Material: Verofilcon A 

Water content on the surface of the lens: ≥80%

Water content in the middle of the lens: 51%

Base Curve: 8.3

Diameter: 14.2
  • A one-day hydrosilicone contact lens is characterized by high oxygen permeability and water content.
  • Made with exclusive technology, the water content in the middle of the lens is 51% and the water content towards the surface gradually increases and reaches 80%. which is identical to the corneal water content
  • One of the main features of the Precision 1 contact lens is that it is very easy to insert and remove. This is especially important for those who use lenses for the first time.

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